Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Group A - seminar assignment 6 student groups

These are the results of the group formation exercise. Please use Bilda to connect to each other (I believe you can find the mail addresses of other students through Bilda).

A1, "Food" (preliminary theme)
Yucheng B
Richard G
Nadine N
Jan P
Pontus W

A2, "Proud outsiders"
Erik B
Xin G
Lina H
Martina K
Mohd R

A3, "Monsters"
Jonathan B
Marc C
Anna M
Jesper N
Teresia S

A4, "Fashion"
Erik B
Niklas H
Liang W
Xuan W

Please read the instructions (Bilda/Documents/Seminar assignments) as well as the role of the group assignment in the examination of the course.

Quite a few persons did not attend the seminar and are not in a group yet:

Joakim F
Johan G
Jonathan K
Andres M
Johan R
Philip U

As far as I can tell, these are all Swedish students. There are a couple of alternatives for you:
- One person could join group A4 (one slot free) and the rest can form a group with 5 persons
- Or better yet, you can form 2 groups with three persons each. If you then manage to poach (steal, recruit) a member from another group it is all for the best. The ideal is to form groups with 4-5 persons each. Also, I want mixed groups so you should then do your outmost to recruit a foreign student to each of the new groups!

Please read the instructions (see above) and talk to friends who attended the seminars to learn more about what you missed. Then stay behind tomorrow at my lecture during the break and on Friday when our guest lecturer takes a 15-minute break in his lecture.

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